鶏の照り焼きの作り方(Teriyaki Chicken)





鶏の照り焼き 鶏肉料理 和食レシピ 白ごはん.com 冨田ただすけ てりやきチキン たれを煮詰める 料理研究家 Teriyaki Teriyaki Chicken




香ばしく焼き上げた鶏の表面に醤油味のタレをしっかりのせて作る、美味しい鶏の照り焼きの紹介です。 【1~2人分】 ・鶏もも肉…1枚(300g) A醤油…大さじ1と1/2 Aみりん…大さじ1と1/2 A酒…大さじ1と1/2 A砂糖…大さじ1/2 *レシピ詳細は白ごはん.comでも紹介中! https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/teriyaki/ ・はじめに皮から焼いて焼き色を付け、タレを加えても火加減は弱くせず煮詰めていき、最後のほうはスプーンで皮にまわしかけながらしっかり煮詰めるとよいです。 ・動画の補足として、焼く前の鶏肉の下ごしらえは、余分な皮や脂があれば切り落とし、焼くときに皮の下の脂を落としやすいよう皮にフォークや、包丁の先で穴を数か所開けてあげるとよいです。 ・また、今回は鶏肉1枚をそのまま焼く作り方ですが、3㎝角ほどに切ったものを同じように皮目から焼いてもOK。その場合は、8割ほど火を通した後にタレを加え、フライパンをふりながらタレを煮詰めて全体にからめて仕上げます。 *白ごはん.comではおうちで作りやすい和食レシピが満載です! https://www.sirogohan.com/ Introducing Teriyaki Chicken cooked and coated in deliciously flavoured soy based sauce. 【1 ~ 2 people】 · Chicken thigh meat ... 1 fillet (300 g) A: soy sauce ... 1 tablespoon and 1/2 A: mirin ... 1 tablespoon and 1/2 A: rice wine (sake) ... 1 tablespoon and 1/2 A: sugar ... 1 tablespoon * You can find details of the recipe at sirogohan.com! https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/teriyaki/ · First of all, cook skin side down until golden, after adding the sauce do not reduce the heat - continue to reduce the sauce in relatively high heat. Toward the end of the process, reduce the sauce by continuously poring the sauce over the chicken skin with a spoon. · Extra cooking tip - prepare chicken before cooking, Remove any excess skin or fat. It is a good idea to poke some holes in the skin with a folk or tip of a knife. It helps release some of its fat during the cooking process. · In addition, this recipe was for how to cook a fillet of chicken but you can cube your chicken in 3cm cubes- apply same method of cooking. In that case, when 80% cooked, add sauce, reduce the sauce as you coat the chicken throughly with the sauce. * at sirogohan.com you can find many Japanese recipes that are easy to make at home! https://www.sirogohan.com/ English translation by Tomoe Terashima @nihongohunters http://www.nihongohunters.com/ https://www.instagram.com/nihongohunters/

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