VLOG:Cutting Dry-aged Kobe Beef【WAGYUMAFIAcooking】
Horie Takafumi, founder of WAGYUMAFIA ,cuts Dry-aged Kobe Beef ! ▽WAGYUMAFIA Official site https://wagyumafia.com/ Here is a live broadcast to answer questions on the blog! Please subscribe: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/horiemon Secret information that his YouTube channel doesn't have! Horiemon official mail magazine is being distributed. Start following from here: http://horiemon.com/magazine/ We are also recruiting members for Horie's online salon, commonly known as HIU (Horie Takahumi Innovation University) Detail from: https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/87/ The full-cut version of Horiemon Channel is available only to FRESH members for 840 yen per month. Start subscribe from here: https://freshlive.tv/horiemon ---------- Recommended Books ------------- 【NEW】Smartphone Life Strategy (Gakken Plus) ▶️https://amzn.to/2H2xw4O 【NEW】Money that 99% of people don't realize (Takarajima-sha) ▶️https://amzn.to/31vZZsY ZERO ――― Add a little punch line to the empty self (Diamond Corporation) ▶️ https://amzn.to/2VHSx9J Multiple power (NewsPicks Book) (Gentosha Bunko) ▶️ https://amzn.to/2HNvlSv Takafumi Horie Twitter : @takapon_jp Yuki Terada Twitter : @terada_yuki Official HP:http://yukiterada.com/ Management: SNS media & consulting Co., Ltd. https://horiemon.com/company/ Edit: Age Media Corporation http://www.agemedia.jp/