STAR WARS 360 VR - Hunting of the Fallen





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We are so happy to present you our Star Wars Fan-film called Hunting of the Fallen 360 VR . The reason why we made this film was simple. We love Star Wars universe. After many tests in virtual reality we asked SW groups REBEL LEGION and 501 GARRISON, if they could help us to make our dream come true and other SW fans. We love think that we can help together to sick children in hospitals and conjure up smiles when they are in the movie and looking face to face with Darth Vader, flighting in space or be part of jedi fighting. @Facebook page: Created by @JIRI KILEVNIK @DAVID SVOBODA @PETR VICHAícha-99b7b416 Music by GEORGE KORYNTA Based on a comics by @JOHN OSTRANDER @HADEN BLACKMAN @ALEXANDER FREED Visual Effects Supervisors JIRI KILEVNIK PETR VICHA 3D, layout, previz DAVID SVOBODA VR Compositing and VFX JIRI KILEVNIK PETR VICHA Sound and Music Editor @MIROSLAV PISAíša-7b83a433 Music Producer MARTIN VINS Make-up and Mask KAREL SKOP – Made in titan ANNA MALINOVA – Silvara’s Cosplay LUCIE VODRAZKOVA Casting by VLASTIMIL SPRTA Stunt Coordinator JAN SMIDA Starring KAREL CERNY LUKAS SKOLIL ANDREA ULAGOVA MICHAELA MACKOVA ANNA MALINOVA JAN SMIDA JIRI MALINA JAROSLAV SALEK ONDREJ HERCIK Digital Artists FRANTISEK DLASK MICHAL NOVAK ONDREJ HEJBAL MATYAS SUJA Special thanks MILAN WALDSTEIN ONDREJ HAVEL RADEK RONDEVALD JENDA SMEJKAL JOHANA SVOBODOVA ILONA VICHOVA JANA FLACHSOVA IVANA PISOVA ZDENKA KORYNTOVA JAN GARDELKA VACLAV FLACHS ANDREA MACKOVA Disclaimer: This is a non-profit unofficial fan-film that is not intended for commercial use. It was made solely for fun. Characters are owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan-film is not connected in any way to said companies. All copyright of the Star Wars characters and related properties are the property of Lucasfilm Ltd. and Disney Star Wars, the Star Wars logo, all the pictures and names of Star Wars characters, planets, technology, vehicles and any other Star Wars related items and articles are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd. and Disney, and/ or their respective trademark and copyright holders.

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