7SEEDS Part 1 Review (2019 Netflix Anime)





7SEEDS Part 1 Review 7 SEEDS Review 7 SEEDS Netflix Review 7 Seeds Anime Review 7 Seeds Netflix Anime Review yt:cc=on 7SEEDS




7Seeds is an anime where teams of people wake up after the apocalypse and the first six episodes are kinda lackluster. The characters are average with plot armor, writing is hit or miss, and the dangerous world they’re supposed to be in doesn’t seem that dangerous. But that all changes in episode 7. I got to say, the flashbacks in the later episodes are fucking awesome. My favorite one is about this guy, Mark, an entertainer who has to keep people distracted while they die. But even though the 2nd half of the season is a step up, it still has it’s own issues. There’s one moment that’s supposed to be a twist but it doesn’t really work as well as it could cause it should’ve been built up more. In addition to that, some characters do some really strange things. With the main example centering around a girl named Hanna. This guy is salty her dad tortured him and his friends so he decides that he has to rape her. During the attempted rape, another girl shows up and casually tells him that he shouldn’t rape cause that’s mean. He responds by letting Hanna go and kisses the 2nd girl. Then he runs off like nothing happened. With 5 being average, I’d rate this insane show a 6.7 out of 10. I’ll see you guys on the next one, I’m going back to Mario Maker: Shoutout to It's anoki for the thumbnail: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfiLXLbJ1fAkkNaC5ezQVsA/videos Game Grumps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOBI-ChN83Y

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