#GhibliJazz #CafeMusic - Relaxing Jazz & Bossa Nova Music - Studio Ghibli Cover








Studio Ghibli's Music Cover!! * The music in this video is actually being played by BGMC. And the approval of the release on Streaming Services has been obtained from Studio Ghibli. ▼ Examples Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/cafe-music-studio-ghibli-jazz-bossa/1282271936 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1QdCm4nJ1tWzQOo9eqWMPC ↓↓Sorry, Song Name is Japanese Only. 0:00 海の見える街 〜魔女の宅急便/Kiki's Delivery Service〜 4:10 もののけ姫 〜もののけ姫/Princess Mononoke〜 7:28 君をのせて 〜天空の城ラピュタ/Laputa, the Castle of the Sky〜 11:09 風の通り道 〜となりのトトロ/My Neighbor Totoro〜 16:26 ひこうき雲 〜風立ちぬ/THE WIND RISES〜 19:48 空とぶ宅急便 〜魔女の宅急便/Kiki's Delivery Service〜 25:05 人生のメリーゴーランド 〜ハウルの動く城/Howl's Moving Castle〜 28:07 いつも何度でも 〜千と千尋の神隠し/Spirited Away〜 32:08 となりのトトロ 〜となりのトトロ/My Neighbor Totoro〜 36:40 さんぽ 〜となりのトトロ/My Neighbor Totoro〜 38:40 崖の上のポニョ 〜崖の上のポニョ/Ponyo〜 42:08 ねこバス 〜となりのトトロ/My Neighbor Totoro〜 46:06 旅路 〜風立ちぬ/THE WIND RISES〜 49:16 アシタカとサン 〜もののけ姫/Princess Mononoke〜 53:38 おかあさん 〜となりのトトロ/My Neighbor Totoro〜 58:19 旅立ち 〜魔女の宅急便/Kiki's Delivery Service〜 1:02:25 風の谷のナウシカ 〜風の谷のナウシカ/Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind〜 1:06:59 やさしさに包まれたなら 〜魔女の宅急便/Kiki's Delivery Service〜 Please Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/cafemusicbgmchannel 📝 Music For Business「Cafe Music BGM Station」 English: https://bgm-station.com/en/ JAPANESE: https://bgm-station.com 繁體中文: https://bgm-station.com/tc/ Español: https://bgm-station.com/es/ 한국어: https://bgm-station.com/ko/ You can use this music at your restaurants, shops, hospitals, offices, part­ies, etc.. Try free for 14 days. 💿 New Release 〜 Streaming Service & Buy Music 〜 If you listen to this music on Streaming Services, please use Shazam to find out if the music has been released. * If you can't find the music, even if you use Shazam, the music is not released at the store. Sorry. ▼ Cafe Music BGM channel Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/cafe-music-bgm-channel/1028904635 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3yKoHgjtyenCOIRaD2Gghu Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.jp/artists/B013O0GB9G ▼ BGM channel Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/bgm-channel/904345180 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ykZILVRZgnmdTi0opgb2f Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.jp/artists/B00M7ZFE7U ▼ Green Music BGM channel Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/green-music-bgm-channel/1468838705 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0J2ynuj2JzNSiXtp4g9xyW Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.jp/artists/B07T73KY86 ☕ About Cafe Music BGM channel We are making Cafe music for relaxation, for work, for study, etc. All music in this video & in this channel is original music by us. We are playing all the songs. 📜 What is BGMC? Morning. Gentle light that shines through the blinds One glass of water after waking up The tender breeze from the window that we feel with all our body These things are too ordinary in everyday life to be conscious. But we can't live even if one of them is missing. "BGMC - BGM channel" has been providing music, hoping to be like them. Though it is colorless and transparent, we want to make the listener's daily life as colorful as possible. That is the essence of the music we deliver. Light, water, wind, and BGMC A new value for music. 🎬 Other channels produced by BGMC ▼ BGM channel https://www.youtube.com/user/bgmchannelbgm ▼ Green Music BGM channel https://www.youtube.com/user/japanrelaxingmusic ▼ J-POP Music BGM channel https://www.youtube.com/user/jpopcoverchannel 📩 Contact For business inquiries (live music & creating music for your business), contact us via the contact form on the website. Official web site: https://www.bgmchannel.com/ 🔗 Follow us on Social Media. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bgmc_bgmchannel/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bgmc.bgmchannel/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bgmc_bgmchannel © Music is Copyrighted. #Jazz #BossaNova #CafeMusic

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