







今回は元サッカー日本代表セレッソ大阪の乾貴士契約解除処分について。禁止処分から予想はつきましたが残念な結果に…ゆっくり解説でみていきます!(`・ω・´)ゞ Flow of this video ・An explanation of the circumstances that led to the termination of the contract by the former national player. ・Why was it not resolved? ・What will happen now? From a Unique Perspective 目次 00:00 冒頭 00:11 ことの経緯 01:09 さらに深まる溝 02:32 乾の今後 チャンネル登録はこちら↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWQmkClgkX93b8RtHTd8fQw?sub_confirmation=1 おすすめ再生リスト↓ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB9si0BLOg1EOzwSZr_HOjp911yeVgH_S サッカー専門チャンネル↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOFYniKoNFUqrEemWj9gEQ?sub_confirmation=1 VOICEVOXを使用したJリーグ専門のチャンネル↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCByz0_MkUL_QV3-E4JXnJTg?sub_confirmation=1 立ち絵 ふにちかさん、きつねさん ・Channel Theme The purpose of this forum is to explain and discuss tactics for beginners on the subject of soccer, and to improve the soccer world by sharing ideas with each other. ・Educational Value and Uniqueness The educational value is affirmed by me in every video. And what do you think each time? and make the viewer think about it. In this way, the viewer does not end up watching the video, but can think about the event and come up with his or her own answer. This is my educational value. It also affirms the uniqueness of the same and includes many of my own opinions. This is because in the other videos, you all do not affirm and are far-fetched. I dare to affirm. I dare to affirm, because by doing so, there will always be opposing opinions. I accept both sides of the argument. This is my uniqueness. ・No duplication of content Everything is made by hand. In doing so, we use the Japanese buzzword "Yukkuri. This is often misunderstood, but due to the nature of commentary videos, they inevitably have a simple appearance. It also takes an enormous amount of work time, so we dared to keep it simple in order to shorten the submission time. At the beginning of the video, we say "About this subject. and tell the viewers what we are going to deal with, and then the video starts. This is to let viewers know that each video will cover a different topic. The viewer learns the theme at the beginning of the video and understands that the theme is different each time. In this way, the audio tells the viewer that the content is on a different theme, simplifies the look and feel, and streamlines the process. If you have any doubts about the manual labor, please watch the video titled below. The work is filmed to completion and the first few minutes are subtitled in English. ↓↓. Please see first at the time of examination #サッカー日本代表#サッカー#ゆっくり解説

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